Health Curriculum
If the district offers comprehensive personal health and safety and comprehensive sexual health education courses, then the district annually posts the curriculum on its website (if one exists) and provides the name and contact information, including an email address, of school personnel who can respond to inquiries about instruction and materials. In addition, the course materials and instruction meet all of the requirements outlined in section 27-9.1a of the School Code.
Please contact:
Adam Kueltzo, Principal
Serena High School
2283 N. 3812th Road
P. O. Box 107
Serena, IL 60549
(815) 496-2361
Anaphylactic Shock Policy
The district has an anaphylactic policy. Parents and guardians have been notified of the policy, and the district has implemented or updated its policy, as appropriate, in accordance with any anaphylactic policy developed by the State Board pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.190 Policy 7:285