CUSD 2 Library Program:
Our library media center program plays an essential role in the CUSD 2 learning community. We provide the best possible learning environment for our students and faculty.
Serena Middle/High School Library
We are open every school day starting at 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Circulation Procedures:
Most books can be checked out for 3 weeks. You have 1 renewal and you need to be responsible enough to bring the book in to renew it before it becomes overdue.
There is a .10 cent fine everyday the book is late. If you have an outstanding fine, you may not be able to check out any material until you have paid your fine.
Research Databases
Facts on File Native American, American History, Modern World History, Career Center
First Search Access to World Cat., Wilson Databases and More...
Opposing Viewpoints Database
Serena High School's Digital Book Collection
You can access Serena High School's digital book collection from any Internet enabled device. We utilize the Blio app in order to read books checked out from this collection. You can also read materials in the epub format.
All you need is your library card number!
Serena High School Library Catalog
Serena High School Library Catalog
Local Public Libraries
Robert Rowe Public Library
Direct Link to District Google Sign-in
Unit 2 Google Doc sign-in