It’s is a B day!!
Pushing a note out from the tech department.
Good Morning Everyone,
All students and their families can reach us for support through or by visiting our technology page and clicking on the help button. If you would like to make sure they contact support, ask them to include you in the email so you know they are sending it. Also, All hotspot requests are to be directed through Mr.Thomas.
Hang tough everyone, you got this!! November 12, is an A day!
Please email me at with any questions or concerns.
Nov. 18th we will have a meal pick up or delivery, you will get 7 days worth of breakfast and lunch. Some items may be frozen with directions to store and cook, and some may be grab n go items. Lunch will be French Bread Pizza, Macaroni and cheese, sandwiches, ect. breakfast will consist of donuts, granola bars, pancakes, cereal, ect. then fruit, vegetables and Milk. Please contact Debra Fuchs in the cafeteria @ 815-792-5410 or email at if you would like to reserve these meals to be picked up at Sheridan Grade School or Delivered to your home. Deliveries and pick up will be between 10:30 and 11:30 am on Wed. Nov. 18th. You will need to have your order in by Tues. Nov. 17th at 9 a.m. All I need is the number of meals for 18 and under in your home and the last name you would like the order in. If you are getting delivery make sure to give your address as well. Thanks Debbie
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,
It was our sincere hope that we would be able to continue in-person learning until at least Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately, that is not the case. At this time, we have confirmed that 5 individuals have tested positive for Coronavirus and overwhelming numbers of students and staff must now quarantine because of exposure to positive cases. As a result, all Community Unit District 2 schools will go to full remote learning starting Thursday, November 12 until Thanksgiving break. We hope to resume in-person instruction on Monday, November 30.
Our schools have done their best to follow CDC and IDPH guidelines to keep students and staff safe and enable us to provide in-person instruction, which we all know is best for our community. In order for that to happen, we must rely on our families to do their part outside of school to keep transmission low. We strongly discourage sleepovers, large gatherings, and playdates while our numbers are rapidly increasing. Please wear a mask in public, maintain social distance, and wash your hands frequently. These steps are necessary to control the spread of the virus and allow us to keep our schools open.
Our plan is to return to in-person instruction on Monday, November 30, but our ability to remain open after that date will largely depend on our community’s choices during remote learning and over Thanksgiving break. Those who choose to travel or gather in large groups should consider the possibility of self-quarantine, and at the very least should closely monitor symptoms.
As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Sick persons should contact their health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately. If your child has had close contact with a known case of COVID-19, keep the child at home and notify your primary healthcare provider, your child’s school, and your local health department.
We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. For any questions or concerns, please contact your building principal directly.
Spencer Byrd-Superintendent
Community Unit School District #2
Click below to see our Salute to Americas Finest, Happy Veterans Day!
Good Morning!! Rolling into day 2 of remote learning like this.....
Today November 11th is a B day.
Good Morning!!
Today is day 1 of remote learning in the High School. Today is also an A day. Please follow your schedules as you normally would and let us know if you have any questions.
November 9, 2020
Dear Families and Staff:
This letter is to inform you that an individual at Serena High School has tested positive for COVID-19. This individual was last in the school building on Monday, November 2, 2020 in addition a staff member became symptomatic and was sent home.
We are coordinating our efforts with the LaSalle County Health Department to promptly identify and monitor individuals who have had recent contact with the COVID-19 positive individual to prevent further spread within our school and community. At this time, ALL impacted individuals/parents of impacted individuals have been identified and notified.
The health and safety of Serena High School students and staff is our highest priority, and we recognize the uncertainty and concern regarding the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the state and local health departments for best practices and procedures to protect everyone’s health.
To prevent further spread of the disease, Serena High School is taking the following steps:
Placing students who are identified as having prolonged close contact to the COVID-19 case(s) in quarantine for 14 days. Close contacts should also receive a separate notification from the LaSalle County Health Department.
Ongoing monitoring of students and staff for signs and symptoms of illness and evaluation of illness reports to promptly identify possible outbreaks.
Conducting a deep clean and disinfection of the areas impacted by potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
In addition the High School will move all instruction to remote learning starting Tuesday 11/10 and going through Friday 11/13. In place learning will continue Monday 11/16. All students are to follow their schedules as if they were in the building.
We will continue to enforce safe practices to prevent, promptly identify, and respond to potential COVID cases, as follows:
Students and staff who are ill with COVID-like symptoms will promptly be placed in a separate supervised area away from others until they can be sent home.
Students are required to wear face coverings at all times, as previously directed and per school policy.
Staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in contact with children and other staff in the facility.
We are continuously sanitizing high-touch surfaces including door handles, stair rails, sink faucets, etc.
We are teaching students the importance of face coverings, social distancing, and proper handwashing:
Students are discouraged from sharing personal items, e.g., water bottles.
Students are learning new ways to greet each other without touching.
Students are reminded to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth, and to cover coughs and sneezes.
Students will be taught to wash their hands frequently and properly, following CDC guidelines on handwashing.
As we receive more information from the Department of Public Health and other entities, we will implement additional recommendations and guidelines.
As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Sick persons should contact their health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately. If your child has had close contact with a known case of COVID-19, keep the child at home and notify your primary healthcare provider, Serena High School, and your local health department.
We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at (815) 496-2361 or email at
Attached is letter with additional information regarding high school remote learning.
November 6, 2020
Dear Community Unit School District #2,
Boys and Girls Basketball Season-Update
The upcoming boys and girls basketball seasons, for both middle school and high school, are on indefinite hold due to the ongoing conflict between the Governor/Illinois Department of Health (IDPH) and the Illinois High School Association (IHSA). Once this conflict is resolved, it will be our intention and hope to offer a winter basketball season under regulations and guidelines that are approved by both IDPH and IHSA.
As long as the Governor/IDPH has ruled winter basketball to be a “high risk” sport, we cannot legally play basketball. If we were to play basketball, defying their legal guidance, our insurance coverage for boys and girls basketball would be null and void.
On the morning of November 4, the Little Ten conducted a conference meeting where nine out of eleven schools, based on the current IDPH guidance, are planning to postpone and/or cancel their basketball seasons based on these concerns. (The two outliers were undetermined at the time of the meeting but were also leaning towards postponing and/or canceling as well, pending legal counsel advisement.)
I would like to assure our community members that the school board is taking this decision seriously and we all understand the benefits that after-school athletic programs can offer our children. It is our hope that the Governor/IDPH and IHSA can reach an agreement soon.
Middle School Volleyball Season-Update
The middle school volleyball season is in a similar situation. They have been determined by IDPH to be of “medium risk”. Medium risk means they can practice in large groups but they cannot play against other teams from other schools. We are currently considering the continuance of open-gym opportunities so that the players can continue to practice, as they have been, as we hope they will be eventually be allowed by IDPH to compete against other schools.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this high school athletic information, please contact Dean Derango, Serena High School Athletic Director via email or Mr. Randy Goodbred, Middle School Athletic Director, via email
Spencer Byrd
Community Unit School District #2
Congratulations to Jimmy Woeltje on making the Illinois Music Education Associations District 2's Senior Honor band. He will represent Serena High School in the virtual Festival on November 21st. All your hard work paid off!!!
This is the big news in improved communication from Unit 2! Still learning how it works, but so excited to use it to send information to you!!
Attached are the notes from the middle/high school virtual town hall meeting this week.
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