Good morning! Only 2 days left before winter break. 12/21 “A” day 12/22 “B” day IVVC is still full remote. If you have any questions please let us know.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good morning!!! Here we go...., final push to the end of the semester and winter break. Today is a “B” day. Please follow your schedule as if you were in the building. Make sure you are attending all zoom meeting and finish all assignments. Let us know how we can help!!!
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Day 1
Update from food services!! Friday, December 18, we will have food service available through pick-up or delivery once again. There will be 5 days’ worth of breakfast and lunch meals available for each child that is 18 or under, and that resides within your household. The food items that will be available will be similar to those distributed during our last food service day. Some items will need to be frozen or refrigerated and require preparation while others will be grab-and-go items. Please contact Debra Fuchs, Director of Food Service for CUSD #2 @ 815-792-5410 or email directly, if you are interested. Pick-up location will be the front door of the Sheridan Grade School or you may choose to have your meals delivered to your home on Friday, December 18. Pick-up and delivery times will be between 10:30 and 12:30. The deadline for orders will be on Wednesday, December 16, by 5:00 p.m. There is no cost for the meals. (The cost of the meals are covered through our Free and Reduced Lunch Program). However, we will need the following information to process your order appropriately: The number of children in your home. The last name that the order will be placed under. (We do not need the individual names of the children.) Do you want Pick-up or Delivery? If pick-up, we will need your phone number. If you wish to have the food delivered, we will need your address and phone number.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good Morning! This is for the week of 14-18 December 2020. Monday 12/14 B Tuesday 12/15 A Wednesday 12/16 B Thursday 12/17 A Friday 12/18 B IVVC is still fully remote If you have any questions/comments please let us know. Have a great week
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good morning and welcome back!!! 12/7-A 12/8-B 12-9-A 12/10-B Picture retake day 12/11-A IVVC is full remote until after winter break. If you have any questions please give us a call. Have a great day!!!
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good morning all, Picture retake day is scheduled for Thursday, December 10th from 8:30-11:00. This is available for remote students, students that missed the original picture day and students who want to have their pictures retaken. If you already had pictures and received them, please bring them back with you to have them retaken. Picture order forms are located in the office or can be ordered online at Please call or email with any questions. See everyone next week.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
This is it, last day of remote learning!!! Today 12/4 is a “B” day. Who is ready to be back In the building? I know I am. Be safe this weekend and we will see you on Monday 12/7
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good morning!! Today 12/3 is an “A” day.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Dec 3
Amazing!!! Special thanks to all who pitched in to get this done👍 I wanted to thank Debbie, all of our food service folks, and our student council volunteers for providing over 3000 meals today by pick-up or through delivery. Wonderful job! SB
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Foods 3
Good morning!! Wednesday December 2nd is a “B” day.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Dec 2
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, Correction, the last "school day" prior to the start of winter break is Tuesday, December 22. (Not Friday, December 18) I apologize for the confusion. Clarification, there were also two early-release SIP afternoons scheduled and part of the original 2020-2021 school calendar that fell between Monday, December 7, and the Tuesday, December 22. Those early-release SIP afternoons have been canceled and replaced with Regular School days. (Regular School day release times are 1:30 for the MS and HS, and 1:45 for the both ELE schools.) This will allow us to add back some of our lost in-person instructional time, hopefully. Thank you for your patience and understanding. It is greatly appreciated. SB
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
In-person instruction will resume on Monday, December 7. As we have continued to monitor the COVID data, we feel that locally we can achieve our goal of returning to in-person instruction on Monday, December 7, and continue in-person instruction through the weeks up until winter break. (The last day of school, prior to the start of winter break, is Friday, December 18.) These two weeks will be extremely helpful as we bring closure to the first semester of this school year. Also, I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holiday and were able get some rest and relaxation. As we near December 7, please try to be cognizant of your health and your families’ health. In order for us to reach our goal of in-person instruction for the next two weeks, we will need everyone to monitor their health closely and stay at home if symptoms were to develop. Anyone who does not feel well should contact his or her health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care. We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. See you on Monday! Sincerely, Superintendent Spencer Byrd Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Today December 1st is an “A” day. Reminder from food services: If you haven’t yet got your food orders in for next weeks delivery or pick up on December 2, the deadline is December 1 to place your orders by 9 am Call 815-792-5410 or email Make sure to leave your name how many students 18 or under in your household , If you are getting delivery make sure to leave your address, for pick up or delivery please leave a phone number in case nobody is home we can give you a call. Thanks you. Debbie
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Dec 1st
Up date from food services: If you haven’t yet got your food orders in for next weeks delivery or pick up on December 2, the deadline is December 1 to place your orders by 9 am Call 815-792-5410 or email Make sure to leave your name how many students 18 or under in your household , If you are getting delivery make sure to leave your address, for pick up or delivery please leave a phone number in case nobody is home we can give you a call. Thanks you. Debbie
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Good morning and welcome back!! I hope everyone had a good break as we get ready to push through 2020. As a reminder we will be remote learning all this week. Today is a “B” day IVVC has moved to remote learning. If you have any questions please let us know.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Welcome Back
Here is additional information from IVVC that was sent this morning. Let us know if you have any questions. Good Morning, The IVVC Board of Control has chosen to follow the recommendation of the Dekalb County Health Departments’ Adaptive Pause. This means IVVC students will be full remote beginning November 30 until January 18. The IVVC Schedule will remain the same. We will continue to serve students in the A/B model. This means each student will log into a google meet during their usual A or B day and am/pm session for live instruction. Students will continue to have 5 hours per week asynchronous assignments. Our teachers will use google classroom as their primary means of communication with students. After speaking with many of you, we decided keeping the same schedule would be the best way to proceed and maintain consistency. If there are any impactful changes to your schedule, please contact me. I will send out a communication to families outlining our student expectations. Here they are for your reference. Students are expected to join the Google Meet on their designated A or B day, am or pm session. Attendance will be taken promptly at 8:00 am or 12:00 pm. The link can be located in their program’s google classroom. They are to remain on the Google Meet and engaged with the class for the full period of instruction. Ideally, students are to keep their camera on during class. This allows for maximum engagement and personal connection between that student and their teachers and classmates. Being remote can be isolating and this is one way to help address this issue while also maximizing academic understanding in the class. If for some reason the camera is not turned on for a particular class period, our expectation is that the student remains fully engaged in listening to the class and in participating verbally at the appropriate times. If a student does not join the Google Meet for class, that student will be marked absent. Parents will be notified via email on the day their student is absent. Unless there is a call to the IVVC or the home school office indicating the need for the student to be absent on that day, this may be counted as unexcused. IVVC will communicate attendance only on synchronous days. This allows us to monitor the engagement of our students and helps to highlight the students who may need follow-up communication.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Update from food services: On Dec. 2nd. we will have a meal pick up or delivery DAY!,We will provide 6 days of breakfast and lunch. Some of the items will be frozen, refrigerated or grab n go items. So you may have to prepare some items, directions on how to store and prepare will be provided. Please contact Debra Fuchs, Director of Food Service for CUSD #2 @ 815-792-5410 or email if you are interested in receiving meals. PIck up location is front door of the Sheridan Grade School or you may choose to have meals delivered to your home on Wednesday Dec. 2, 2020. Deadline for orders will be on Tues. Dec. 1st by 9 a.m. WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. MEALS ARE UNDER THE FREE LUNCH PROGRAM FOR THIS YEAR , THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE FOR ANY STUDENTS. DELIVERY AND PICKUP WILL BE BETWEEN 10:30-12:30 ON WED. DEC. 2ND. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING WHEN CALLING. # OF CHILDREN IN YOU HOME THE LAST NAME YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR ORDER IN WE DO NOT NEED NAMES OF STUDENTS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PICK UP IN SHERIDAN ( PLEASE LEAVE A PHONE NUMBER SO WE CAN CALL IF NO ONE SHOWS UP) IF YOU WOULD LIKE DELIVERY, WE NEED YOUR ADDRESS AND IF YOU HAVE A UNIT OR APT. NUMBER ALSO A PHONE NUMBER INCASE NO ONE IS HOME WE CAN CALL.. Thank you for your patience and understanding, it is greatly appreciated. Debra Fuchs - Director of Food Service Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Update on remote learning Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, After a lengthy discussion at the board meeting last night, it was decided that Remote Learning will be extended a week due to the continued increase of COVID related illnesses. Our new plan is to return to in-person learning on Monday, December 7th. We encourage everyone to be safe and cautious during this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. We will continue to monitor our local and state COVID data in hopes that it will flatten or begin to decrease over the next two weeks. Our goal is to return to school on December 7th and provide in-person instruction before we pause again for winter break. To accomplish this goal, we will need everyone’s help and support. Please have a safe and happy holiday. Spencer Byrd - Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
FYI - I wanted to thank Debbie and the Kitchen Staff for putting in the extra time and effort to serve 2450 meals yesterday. Excellent job! SB Let hear it for Kitchen Staff!!! Thank you for keeping up fed😃
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas
Meals 1
Meals 3
Meals 2
Passing this along from food services... CUSD #2 Food Orders for Wed Nov 18 (available to anyone 18 & younger in your home) must be reserved before 9 AM on Tuesday for meals to be delivered or picked up. You will receive 7 breakfasts and 7 lunches per student. No charge for meals Pick up at front doors of Sheridan Grade School ( meals will be brought out to you) or delivery will be between 10:30 and 11:30 on Wednesday, November 18. Call 815-792-5410 or email to reserve your meals if you haven’t already done so.
about 4 years ago, Brent Thomas