Notification from: Serena CUSD #2 (Admin) Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, On Wednesday, December 2nd, we will have food service available through pick-up or delivery once again. There will be 6 days worth of breakfast and lunch meals available for each child that is 18 or under, and that resides within your household. The food items that will be available will be similar to those distributed during our last food service day. Some of the food items will need to be frozen or refrigerated, some items will require preparation, and some items will be grab-and-go. Please contact Debra Fuchs, Food Service Director, at 815-792-5410 or email Debbie at, if interested. The pick-up location will be the front door of the Sheridan Grade School or you may choose to have your meals delivered to your home. The deadline for orders will be tomorrow, Tuesday, December 1st, by 9:00 a.m. There is no cost for the meals. (The cost of the meals are covered through our Free and Reduced Lunch Program). However, we will need the following information to process your order correctly: The number of children in your home. The last name that the order should be placed under. (We do not need the individual names of the children.) Do you want Pick-up or Delivery? If you desire pick-up, we will need your phone number. If you wish to have the food delivered, we will need your address and phone number. Debra Fuchs - CUSD2 Director of Food Service
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
REMINDER!!!! If you haven’t yet got your food orders in for next weeks delivery or pick up on December 2. The deadline is December 1 to place your orders by 9 am Call 815-792-5410 or email Make sure to leave your name how many students 18 or under in your household , If you are getting delivery make sure to leave your address, for pick up or delivery please leave a phone number in case nobody is home we can give you a call. Thanks you CUSD#2 Food Service.
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, I wanted to wish all of our parent, students, and staff a Happy Holiday this week. In times like these, it is sometimes difficult to celebrate or to find things to be grateful for but I know I am personally grateful for the love and support of my family. I am also grateful for the work of our teachers, who have adapted to incredibly difficult circumstances, our parents who altered their work schedules, our custodial staff for keeping buildings clean and sanitized, cafeteria workers for preparing meals and principals for their leadership. I am most empathetic and grateful for our students who have demonstrated tremendous patience and understanding as they navigate new learning models through this pandemic. At the end of the day, each of us is trying to do the best we can under incredibly difficult circumstances. It has not always gone smoothly, but I believe we have learned a lot since the first day of school that will make us more prepared and stronger for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year and beyond. As you know, recently, it was decided that Remote Learning would be extended. Our new goal is to return to in-person learning on Monday, December 7, which still remains our goal today. We are focusing on offering two weeks of in-person instruction from December 7 to the beginning of winter break. Two weeks may not sound like a lot, but it will allow us to finish the semester in-person, work with those students directly who seem to be struggling the most with Remote Learning, and finalize a long and ever-changing first semester. If possible, those two weeks could be extremely valuable to us and the education process. I will send out additional information early next week as we continue to monitor the COVID numbers and our ability to return on December 7. As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Anyone who does not feel well should contact his or her health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately. We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. Please have a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. Sincerely, Superintendent Spencer Byrd Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, On Wednesday, December 2nd, we will have food service available through pick-up or delivery once again. There will be 6 days of breakfast and lunch meals available for each child that is 18 or under, and that resides within your household. The food items that will be available will be similar to those distributed during our last food service day. Some items will need to be frozen or refrigerated and require preparation while others will be grab-and-go items. Please contact Debra Fuchs, Director of Food Service for CUSD #2 @ 815-792-5410 or email if you are interested. Pick-up location will be the front door of the Sheridan Grade School and pick-up time will be from 10:30 to 12:30. Or, you may choose to have your meals delivered to your home on Wednesday December 2nd. The deadline for orders will be on Tuesday, December 1st, by 9:00 a.m. There is no cost for the meals. (The cost of the meals are covered through our Free and Reduced Lunch Program). However, we will need the following information to process your order appropriately: The number of children in your home. The last name that the order should be placed under. (We do not need the individual names of the children.) Do you want Pick-up or Delivery? If pick-up, we will need your phone number. If you wish to have the food delivered, we will need your address and phone number. Thank you for your patience and understanding, it is greatly appreciated. Please be safe and enjoy the upcoming holiday season. Debra Fuchs - Director of Food Service Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, After a lengthy discussion at the board meeting last night, it was decided that Remote Learning will be extended a week due to the continued increase of COVID related illnesses. Our new plan is to return to in-person learning on Monday, December 7th. We encourage everyone to be safe and cautious during this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. We will continue to monitor our local and state COVID data in hopes that it will flatten or begin to decrease over the next two weeks. Our goal is to return to school on December 7th and provide in-person instruction before we pause again for winter break. To accomplish this goal, we will need everyone’s help and support. Please have a safe and happy holiday. Spencer Byrd - Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
A BIG thanks to Debbie Fuchs and the Kitchen Staff for putting in the extra time and effort to serve 2450 meals yesterday. Excellent job!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Food Service
Food Service
Food Service
REMINDER!!!! If you have not picked up your school work for November 16-24 please come to the school and pick it up. All work is in the foyer at the school. The front door remains open all the time! Stay safe and healthy!!!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
CUSD #2 Food Orders for Wed Nov 18 (available to anyone 18 & younger in your home) must be reserved before 9 AM on Tuesday for meals to be delivered or picked up. You will receive 7 breakfasts and 7 lunches per student. No charge for meals Pick up at front doors of Sheridan Grade School ( meals will be brought out to you) or delivery will be between 10:30 and 11:30 on Wednesday, November 18. Call 815-792-5410 or email to reserve your meals if you haven’t already done so.
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Students work for November 16-24 will be available to pick up at the school on Friday November 13 after 3:00. You can put any completed work on the return box! Thank you for your help!!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
ATTENTION!!!! Nov. 18th we will have a meal pick up or delivery, you will get 7 days worth of breakfast and lunch. Some items may be frozen with directions to store and cook, and some may be grab n go items. Lunch will be French Bread Pizza, Macaroni and cheese, sandwiches, ect. breakfast will consist of donuts, granola bars, pancakes, cereal, ect. then fruit, vegetables and Milk. Please contact Debra Fuchs in the cafeteria @ 815-792-5410 or email at if you would like to reserve these meals to be picked up at Sheridan Grade School or Delivered to your home. Deliveries and pick up will be between 10:30 and 11:30 am on Wed. Nov. 18th. You will need to have your order in by Tues. Nov. 17th at 9 a.m. All I need is the number of meals for 18 and under in your home and the last name you would like the order in. If you are getting delivery make sure to give your address as well.
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff, It was our sincere hope that we would be able to continue in-person learning until at least Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately, that is not the case. At this time, we have confirmed that 5 individuals have tested positive for Coronavirus and overwhelming numbers of students and staff must now quarantine because of exposure to positive cases. As a result, all Community Unit District 2 schools will go to full remote learning starting Thursday, November 12 until Thanksgiving break. We hope to resume in-person instruction on Monday, November 30. Our schools have done their best to follow CDC and IDPH guidelines to keep students and staff safe and enable us to provide in-person instruction, which we all know is best for our community. In order for that to happen, we must rely on our families to do their part outside of school to keep transmission low. We strongly discourage sleepovers, large gatherings, and playdates while our numbers are rapidly increasing. Please wear a mask in public, maintain social distance, and wash your hands frequently. These steps are necessary to control the spread of the virus and allow us to keep our schools open. Our plan is to return to in-person instruction on Monday, November 30, but our ability to remain open after that date will largely depend on our community’s choices during remote learning and over Thanksgiving break. Those who choose to travel or gather in large groups should consider the possibility of self-quarantine, and at the very least should closely monitor symptoms. As always, everyone should monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms. Sick persons should contact their health care provider to determine if testing is needed. Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately. If your child has had close contact with a known case of COVID-19, keep the child at home and notify your primary healthcare provider, your child’s school, and your local health department. We are committed to providing your child and our staff with a safe and healthy environment. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing cooperation with our COVID prevention policies and procedures as we work to help protect your children, your families, and our staff and their families. For any questions or concerns, please contact your building principal directly. Sincerely, Spencer Byrd-Superintendent Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Hello, this is Mr. Byrd, Superintendent with an important message. Tomorrow, November 10 the HS will move to a full remote learning schedule. This is for HS students only, both Harding and Sheridan elementary will remain open as well as Serena MS. We had one HS employee go home today symptomatic and two students recently testing positive for the corona virus. At this time, the parents of any students that may have been in close contact with these individuals, has already been contacted. So again, the high school ONLY will be placed on a full remote schedule starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 10th, through Friday the 13th. Lastly, we will continue to encourage everyone to wear a mask when in public, social distance at all times, wash hands often, and if you are not feeling well, it is best to stay home until you know for sure. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your building principal directly.
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
SPIRIT WEEK NOVEMBER 9-13. Dress up and have some fun! GO CARDINALS!!!!!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Spirit Week
REMINDER!! Tomorrow Nov. 6 school will dismiss at 1:45. Thank You!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Sheridan Grade School PTO Date: November 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes Call to order: By Kim Walsh Time, 5:37pm Minutes from previous meeting: Mr. Goodbred provided handouts; Nicole Sanchez approved, Jennifer Van Gelder seconded, minutes approved. Treasurer Report: Beginning Balance: $8872.48 Deposits: none made Expenses: $566.53 Ending Balance: $8305.95. Jennifer approved, Nicole seconded. Old Business: Spirit Wear: Order forms going home Monday, November 9th and will be due Friday November 13th. Orders will be ready before Christmas break. Halloween Parties: Did not take place due to the school being closed. Box Tops: $3.30 collected from School and submitted, bringing total with the Box Top App around $27.20 Parent/ Teacher Conferences: PTO provided dinner on Thursday, catered by Calico’s. Friday’s dinner with Nan’s in Morris was canceled due to uncertainty of the conference. PTO received a 90 day credit, teachers will have lunch. Kim to call and arrange a date, maybe Friday November 13th or 20th. Greenery/Poinsettia Fundraiser: The PTO made about $1,000 profit. Tentative delivery date November 23rd. Mr. Goodbred and Nicole will work out details for the pick up. New Business: Santa’s Workshop: PTO to continue with the Santa’s workshop, tentative date of Friday December 18th. Details will be worked out at December’s meeting. Christmas Books: each student will receive a Scholastic book. Lyndsay will arrange with the teachers and order the books. Books will be passed out on December 22, last day of school. Christmas Parties: PTO to provide each class with snacks and drinks on December 22nd. Correspondence/ Thank you: Mrs. Dolder sent a thank you note for the p/t conference dinner. Adjournment: Motion to adjourned at 6:09pm by Jennifer, seconded by Nicole, motion passed. Next Meeting: Monday December 7th at 5:30pm Sheridan Grade School Cafeteria.
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Spirit Week!!! November 9-13
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
Spirit Week
November Calendar
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
November Calendar!
REMINDER PTO MEETING IS TODAY NOV. 2 at 5:30 at Sheridan Grade School!
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred
October 30, 2020 Dear Community Unit School District #2, As we come to the end of our quarantine period, I would like to remind everyone of some upcoming dates, changes, and events. November 2 We are returning to in-person learning on Monday, November 2, as originally planned. The number of faculty and/or staff members that tested positive for COVID still remain at two and both have been cleared to return to work/school on Monday. Those staff members that voluntarily took COVID tests during our quarantine period have all returned negative. It appears that we are now in a good position to return to school on Monday. We will remain vigilant enforcing our social distancing and mask wearing expectations and safety protocols as we return to in-person learning. In addition, we will begin extending our school week to five in-person instructional days per week. Our early release time will remain the same, 1:30 for the MS and HS, 1:45 for the elementary schools. November 3 Reminder, Tuesday, November 3, is Election Day and all schools will be closed. Please make sure your voice is heard on Election Day! November 6 and December 11 CHANGE - Please make a note that Friday, November 6 and December 11 will NOT be SIP days as originally scheduled. They have both been changed to a regular school day releasing at 1:30/1:45. This will allow us to add some in-person instructional time back into our school calendar. November 24 and December 22 We have SIP days scheduled on Tuesday, November 24, and December 22. Those SIP days will remain as scheduled (SIP day release times are 11:15 for the MS and HS and 11:35 for the elementary schools). November 25-28 Wednesday, November 25 through Friday, November 28, all schools will be closed to celebrate the Holiday. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your building principal directly and have a Happy Halloween weekend! Respectfully, Spencer Byrd, Superintendent Community Unit School District #2
about 4 years ago, Randy Goodbred